The Peoria Medical Society Alliance, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, exists to serve as a partner with the Peoria Medical Society in promoting the health, the education, and the quality of life for the people of our community.
We invite and encourage you to join the PEORIA MEDICAL SOCIETY ALLIANCE (PMSA), the physician spouse support group of the Peoria Medical Society and all area physicians, including spouses of students, residents and fellows. We especially want to welcome those new to our community.
We are here to support you and your medical family. For more than 80 years, we have partnered with physicians in the community to promote health, education and safety, and to advance the quality of life in the Peoria area. The PMSA offers special opportunities to further our mission in the community through our many health-related projects. Your membership also provides many opportunities to connect with other physician families, to make new friends and to re-connect with long-time friends at a variety of social events and activities such as Bridge group, Mahjong, Book club, Playgroup, holiday parties, membership meetings and fun and informative gatherings.
Your Membership dues support our community health-related projects and other activities of the Alliance. We also encourage – but do not require – donations towards one or more of our projects and charitable and educational undertakings. On the back of the Membership form you’ll find many volunteer opportunities. Please check all that apply, although you can be involved as much or as little as your time permits. You can mail to the address listed on the form or join/renew and make donations online at
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Membership Chair Patti Bash at 309-369-3695 or
Thank you for your support of the Peoria Medical Society Alliance. We look forward to another successful year with YOU as a member.