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Peoria medical society alliance

  • Our Mission Statement

  • The Peoria Medical Society Alliance, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, exists to serve as a partner with the Peoria Medical Society in promoting the health, the education, and the quality of life for the people of our community.


 There are many fantastic committees within the Alliance. Some members choose to participate in many while other members enjoy just one. The committees are the best way to connect to others with similar interests. Committee types range from social to charitable.

Archives Committee – Preserves PMSA history

Book Club – Meets every other month at Barnes & Noble CafĂ© to discuss the selected book

Bridge Group – Plays the 1st Wednesday of the month at the Lariat Club, Peoria

Community Service/Adopt-A-School/Whittier Grade School – Once a week tutoring and reading assistance provided to kindergarten and first grade students. Volunteers create their schedule and choose frequency of involvement.

Hard Hats For Little HeadsProvides bicycle helmets to Whittier kindergarteners

Cook’s Tour of Kitchens — Our primary fundraiser activity held on even numbered years.

Health Promotions – Provides and/or promotes health related presentations throughout the Peoria area. Past presentations included “Diabetes in Our Schools” to educators, and assistance to Kidney-Mobiles.

Mahjong— Meets twice a month at 11:30 A.M. at Spotted Cow.

Membership Committee – Recruitment, retention, and reclamation of members

Mini-Internship – Provides the opportunity for local community leaders to experience a “day in the life” of a physician

PMSA Playgroup – Provides opportunities for those with young children to gather and network while the kids play

Peoria Pacers Walking Club—Activity is encouraged and steps are counted

Programs Committee—Plans and arranges for speakers and other activities at our general membership meetings

Scholarship – Provides PMSA funded scholarships in health related fields to area students

Senior Citizens / Heddington Oaks Nursing Home – Parties and bingo are hosted for residents, lap robes and cakes are donated.  Help is needed to host parties, bingo, bake cakes and make lap robes.

Social Media/Website—Helps with member communication, PMSA website


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